Monday, January 7, 2019

Embracing health

Yes. Embracing health. In all its forms. The best way I can describe this is how Dr. Dean Ornish promotes his philosophy:
Podcast with Dr. and Mrs. Ornish:
All of this is important. No diet, no exercise program, no religion, and no social platform (media, list of rules, etc) will do it for you. All of these have to come from within and lived as a lifestyle. And all of these are integrated with each other.  Side note: I've preordered their new book and should get it tomorrow! Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases.

How am I accomplishing this?

Eating: I've adopted the Whole Foods, Plant based diet and have gone cold turkey on it. I've encountered flack from "friends" and family (not my immediate family, they've come on board as well) who believe mainstream media and memes for their way of life.  I have found this to work. It gives me more energy, better health, and I believe will prevent the chronic diseases perpetuated by the standard American diet. I am vehemently opposed to GMOs (not to say natural means of hybridization), factory farms, deforestation, and the misuse of pharmaceuticals (including commercialization). I know that bad eating leads to disease, which is supported by the meat, egg, and dairy industries, who in turn support and control Congress, and in their turn, favor those businesses and special interest groups such as the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries. How we eat not only affects our own health, but our nation's economy, and the world as a whole environmentally. Want a clue as to who is telling the truth? Look at who funds the studies, as well as how big, encompassing, and comprehensive the studies are.  Guide to the whole foods-plant based diet

From the CDC
Most every chronic disease is not only preventable, they're reversible.
Here are 18 doctors (among many) who have proven a proper way of eating works:

Moving: Even with a 2-week break from the gym, I wholeheartedly embrace the weight lifting and running regime I've adopted. I train; I don't' work out. Training is a more serious approach to physical health care by moving. And, yeah, the fam is on board with this as well. And, I dance. Do what you love that incorporates movement. It also helps in reversing things like osteoporosis and depression, as well as raise the metabolism which helps with burning calories.

Stress: I found, lately, that one of my biggest stressors was social media. Too many opinions, and too many people who feel they have to impose their beliefs and opinions on me. It seemed to me they were just looking for an outlet to vent their frustrations and pin their mainstream media/meme way of life on me. No more. I've killed off my Facebook and Twitter accounts. I also only follow scientifically-based ways of living and thinking. I don't believe in religion, but adopt many of the Buddhist ways such as mindfulness and meditation. I don't bother myself with trivial bullshit nor people who try to bring it into my life. When it comes to defending my peace, I am quite a force to be reckoned with. And I don't have a problem at all with completely banning toxic people from my life. I reject most of the American way of life: commercialism, entertainment, and ways of living that are clearly unhealthy. You can see from my first posts on this blog just how much stress I've been through, and how it caused me to get stuck in survival mode living. I love humor. In short, I engage myself with positive people and ways.

From Star Trek (2009)

I also found that I was sinking deeper and deeper into gaming and those social networks. I found that to be horribly detrimental to my mental and physical well-being. The occasional game is not harmful. However, spending hours on end playing a mindless game, especially with people who are determined to be negative and even abusive, is not the most intelligent way to spend one's time. I've found so many more things to do that bring actual joy to my life and have reduced a great amount of stress.

Love: I have my family. My wonderful husband and teenager who support and love me unconditionally. I believe in quality, not quantity. Love is not allowing others to run roughshod over me. I've had enough of psychopaths, narcissists, and manipulators, religious freaks, and abusers. My friends are those who accept me just as I am and don't try to change me. I honor and love myself too much to allow myself to be infected by bad people. I surround myself with good, supportive, loving people. I am also seeking out my "tribe". Those who are my sisters and brothers in the lifestyle I choose to live.  I help others, give to those in need (really in need, not some group seeking to make a profit at the expense of those in need), and am generally kind to most everyone. I am not a doormat.

Self love. This is the most important aspect in the love/support area, in my opinion. Without it, one cannot truly accept love and support from others, nor can one have a healthy relationship with others. Self love means that one accepts oneself for who they are, and makes the necessary changes, regardless of how difficult or time consuming, to ensure one's own physical and mental health. It means shunning the excuses, negativity, and bad habits and refusing to live in a bad lifestyle. It mean banning toxic people from one's life that just want to bring others down to their level to make themselves feel better and/or superior.

I have my own spiritual and political beliefs. I don't always feel it is necessary to share them, or try to convince the general populace that what I think or feel is right... for everyone. I don't engage in the mudslinging and the abuse that follows it. I live my life - for me - not to please anyone else or to be accepted in any group. Don't like it? Move along.

Finally, just found this video.  Interesting to note, the Keto diet put me in the hospital for a week.

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